Different Motorcycle Riding Styles And Motorcycle Preferred By Them

Riding a bike is simple. But what is more important is how you ride it. All around us, there are many bikers. Actually, anyone who rides a bike is a biker. The main differentiation though lies in the way he/she rides and that is more important. A biker is not just someone who can ride a bike, then he/she is called a rider and that is what the article is about, the different riding styles of people and the kind of bike they prefer. So let’s get on with the long list, shall we?

The Rash Rider:

motorcyclestunt.449These are found in abundance everywhere. All they wish is to ride as fast as they can no matter the condition and make sure they ride dangerously and put others in harm’s way as well. They do not care about anyone’s safety and prefer to live life on the edge. One has to be very careful about such riders. The kinds of bikes they prefer are the ones that are stylish and those who have a lot of low grunt for acceleration because they wish to draw as much attention to themselves as possible.

The Smooth Rider:

hero-splender-pro-13_800x0wThese are the sensible kind of riders who believe in safety of themselves and make sure they reach the destination with as much subtlety as possible. They are the ones who are mostly using either lower CC commuter bikes; else the ones with a little grunt for a smooth and slow ride. Fuel economy machines are the best liked by them as they are smooth to ride.

The Commuter:

These riders are the ones who travel for many a kilometer in a day to either go for work or for any personal reasons. They know they have to travel far distances and hence they need something that gives good economy as well as power to reach the destination safely. They always prefer the 125-150cc segment bikes which have comfort and power as well as good economy to not be heavy on the pocket.

The Tourer:

These riders are always the types who go long distance touring on every change they get. They do not believe in travelling for 20-30 kilometers; it is always go big or go home. They are the ones preferring those cruiser bikes like the Royal Enfields and Avengers and HDs and the likes. That depends on the budget they have. For them, comfort on the bike is more important than anything else to sit on the saddle for so long.

The Solo Rider:

DSC_8194-e1433856717642He/she are the one who just wishes to travel all alone by the way they want. The choice of bike for them is always either a middleweight sports bike or else an entry level one because they like to travel to faraway places all alone. So they prefer a bike that has got power and comfort both, though comfort is something they could sometimes skimp out on.

The Group Rider:

04-02(80)These are the riders who always like to be in groups and hence the choice of bikes is also the one depending upon the group they want to be in. these riders first decide on the group they want to join and be a part of and then they decide on the bike to buy and use.

The Track Junkie:

These riders like going really fast and love the track. The bikes that they use are proper track dedicated fully faired bikes like the KTM RC series of the Kawasaki Ninja and the likes. They do not worry about the comfort of the bike nor the fuel economy, all they need is power and the ability to go fast even in corners.

The All In One:

safety-gearThese are the riders who are the mixture of all sensible things. They like going solo as well as in groups and they like to commute as well as go touring. It does not matter what they do until and unless they are on the bike and are riding their heart out. They always make sure to follow rules and wear safety gear, a helmet at least as a bare minimum. Even the choice of bike of theirs is the one which can handle pretty much anything thrown as it. They are the ones to take the best care of their bikes and spare no expense for it.

So these are the kind of riders that exist in this world and on the road. Think about it and check out which category do you belong to and make sure that if you belong to the wrong category then it might be some time for introspection and to make sure you get back on the right track.

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